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  • Writer's pictureMichael Nesteroff

Snow Tubing Indiana: Comparing Perfect North, Paoli Peaks, and Koteewi Tubing

Updated: Jan 31

Snow Tubing at Perfect North Slopes in South Eastern Indiana

Winter in Indiana may not always gift us with a snowy wonderland, but that doesn't mean the thrill of winter activities is out of reach. Enter the exhilarating world of snow tubing – a fantastic way to enjoy the winter season, regardless of the snowfall. In this blog post, we'll delve into the enchanting experience of snow tubing, why it's an absolute must-try, and where to find the best tubing parks in Indiana.

What is Snow Tubing?

Snow tubing is a delightful winter activity that invites participants to ride down snowy slopes on specially designed inflatable tubes. The simplicity and accessibility of snow tubing make it suitable for individuals of all ages and skill levels, offering a thrilling experience without the need for complex gear.

1200' Long Hill at Perfect North Slopes

Why Go Snow Tubing?

Beyond being an absolute blast, snow tubing provides a gateway to winter sports with minimal barriers. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush or planning a family outing, snow tubing offers a fun and accessible way to embrace the colder months. It requires minimal equipment, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enjoy winter without the need for expensive gear.

In central and southern Indiana, much of winter is grey with no snowfall. It can be a cruel season bone cold with zero fun or beauty. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy winter. There are three snow tubing parks that can create snow when conditions are cold enough: Perfect North Slopes, Paoli Peaks, and Koteewi Run Season Slopes. Taking your family to one of these three tubing areas is a great way to inject some fun into the dismal Midwestern winter.

Snow Tubing in Indiana

Indiana, despite not being renowned for its snowy landscapes, boasts excellent snow tubing opportunities. Thanks to snow tubing parks that create their own snow, you can experience the joy of tubing even when the natural snowfall is scarce. Here are three top-notch snow tubing parks in Indiana:

Snow Tubing at Perfect North Slopes in South Eastern Indiana

Perfect North is a premier winter destination in southeastern Indiana near Cincinnati, known for its top-tier snow tubing facilities. With multiple tubing lanes and well-groomed slopes, Perfect North ensures a thrilling experience for tubers of all ages. The park's ability to produce its own snow guarantees a snowy adventure even when Mother Nature doesn't cooperate.

I took my kids here and we had a blast. The process was very easy. All you needed to get was a pass, sign a waiver and off we went. We grabbed a tube, scanned our passes, and tugged our tubes up the hill.

Standing on the Magic Carpet Conveyor at Perfect North

They had a magic carpet conveyor that carried us up to the top. This was probably the most challenging part of the experience, because I lugged all three tubes for me and my two kids. Sometimes the tubes would slide off the conveyor. If you aren’t paying attention then it can knock you down or the person behind you. So make sure you are securely holding onto the tubes.

Perfect North had two different levels of tubing hills: a large hill 1200’ long and a medium hill. We tried both hills. I really couldn’t tell much of a difference, except the smaller hill was less crowded. We reached top speeds zooming down both hills. It was exhilarating!

Nestled in the hills of southern Indiana, Paoli Peaks offers a fantastic snow tubing experience with a picturesque backdrop. The tubing lanes are 700’ long, providing excitement for kids and their parents. Paoli Peaks is equipped to create its own snow, promising a winter wonderland for tubing enthusiasts.

Before you go make sure your kids meet their 42” or taller requirement. They have limited tickets and sometimes sell out during peak times around the holidays and some weekends. Paoli Peaks also has a magic carpet that takes you up their hill similar to Perfect North. Their tickets are a few dollars cheaper but the tubing hill is not located near any major cities.

3. Koteewi Run Seasonal Slopes - Snow Tubing Near Indianapolis

If you live around Indianapolis then Koteewi Run will be the most conveniently located Indiana Snow Tubing Park. Situated in Noblesville, Koteewi Run Seasonal Slopes is a hidden gem for snow tubing enthusiasts. Boasting a variety of tubing lanes and a friendly atmosphere, Koteewi Run creates its own snow to ensure a consistent and enjoyable tubing experience. The park's commitment to providing winter fun makes it a must-visit destination.

The snow tubing hill is 700’ long which is equivalent to Paoli Peaks but shorter than Perfect North’s longest tubing lanes. Snow tubing at Koteewi is the least expensive of the three options but does not offer skiing like the other two parks.

What to Wear When Indiana Snow Tubing?

Proper attire is crucial for an enjoyable snow tubing experience. Layer up with waterproof and insulated clothing to stay warm and dry. Wear something to break the wind like snow pants and a winter jacket. Don't forget essentials like gloves and a stocking hat. Sun glasses or snow goggles might be a good idea to shield yourself from the winter chill.

What Shoes Should I Wear for Snow Tubing?

Choosing the right footwear is essential for comfort and safety during snow tubing. Opt for waterproof and insulated boots with good traction to keep your feet warm, dry, and secure as you navigate the tubing hills. True confession – I wore tennis shoes and I was fine but in hindsight my water proof boots would have been a better choice.

How Do I Know If Snow Tubing Is Right For Me?

Snow tubing is a versatile and inclusive activity suitable for almost everyone. Whether you're an adventure seeker, a family looking for winter fun, or an individual wanting a new experience, snow tubing caters to diverse preferences. It provides the thrill of winter sports without the learning curve associated with skiing or snowboarding. I took my 5- and 6-year-old and they loved it!

While snow tubing takes center stage, Indiana also offers skiing opportunities for those who prefer the traditional winter sports experience. Perfect North Slopes and Paoli Peaks provide skiing facilities, ensuring a well-rounded winter adventure for all.

In conclusion, don't let the lack of natural snow hinder your winter enjoyment in Indiana. Embrace the excitement of snow tubing, explore the fantastic tubing parks in the state, and make lasting memories in the winter wonderland created just for you!



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